Precinct Caucuses
DFL Precinct Caucuses are Tuesday February 27th at Maple Grove High School.
What? SD37 DFL Precinct Caucuses
When? Tuesday February 27, 2024
Registration opens at 6:30pm, Caucuses begin at 7:00pm
Where? Maple Grove High School
9800 Fernbrook Ln N, Maple Grove, MN 55369
What else?
Optional pre-registration is available using the button below. Your completed registration card will be waiting for you on caucus night.
Can't make it in-person? Submit a non-attendee form using the link below.
Children are welcome to join you at your precinct caucus.
For accessibility requests, please call 763-634-1180 by Feb 20, 2024
Here are some of the things that happen on Precinct Caucus Night:
Elections - Participants will elect individuals to help organize their precinct and to represent them at future conventions.
Precinct Chairs & Vice Chairs - Work to organize Democrats in their precinct. They can do this by talking to neighbors about important issues, distributing campaign literature, registering voters and encouraging voters to the polls. This is different from your precinct caucus chair, which is a one-night role but can be held by the same person.
Convention Delegates - Are elected at the caucus to attend and participate at their Organizing Unit Convention. At this convention the body will:
Consider endorsing local candidates for the Minnesota House of Representatives and the Minnesota Senate. Official endorsement helps strong DFL candidates get elected.
Elect leaders of the Organizing Unit who help run the Organizing Unit between conventions.
Elect Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the DFL Congressional and State Conventions.
Convention Alternates - Are elected at the caucus to attend their Organizing Unit Convention. If a delegate does not come to the convention, alternates step in to represent your precinct at the convention.
Volunteer to help run your Organizing Unit Convention - You may volunteer to help run the Organizing Unit Convention on one of several committees. This is a great way to support your unit without making a long-term commitment.
Write and Vote on Resolutions - Any participant at a precinct caucus may present a resolution (an addition or modification to the State Party Platform). Resolutions will be presented, debated and voted on. There is a required Resolution form which is available the night of the caucus or a